How to brighten your skin with Highlighter ? A much loved and so buzzed about product lately , and the Balm have definitely smashed the competition with their great offerings in two colours - white and pink and bronzer - for a unique summer tan . This brand's highlighters are definitely one of the most preferred products , both by many makeup artists and ladies of all ages for personal use .
With his help hide pigment spots, dark circles and bags under the eyes, make the complexion even, and your skin looks younger and more vibrant. In addition, this product has the ability to nourish and hydrate the skin, thus strengthening it. The idea of the highlighter is to apply corrections on the face - that's why it is also applied only in certain areas, not all over the face.
Creamy colors are perfect are concealing bags under the eyes, and rosy highlighters hide dark circles under the eyes on peachy skin. Go for lighter tones if you have pale skin and want an even complexion.
Areas where we place the highlighter to have a brightening effect under the eyebrows , above the cheekbones , in the inner corner of the eye , along the bridge of the nose or tip , above the upper lip or in the center of the chin .
Be irresistible with the Balm ! To place an order you can write on our facebook pages : Art & Make up Boutique and MAKE UPPP